The word mentor has evolved to mean trusted advisor, friend and teacher. I will be all of these to help and guide you through your first years at university.

I will be there to help you improve your study skills and achieve the high level of English required from you at university.

Attending university can be a very scary thing, especially if English is not your first language , you will need to use some specialised language specific to your course of study. This can be difficult even for a native speaker.

Achieving your IELTS, English Higher or A Level qualification is only the beginning.

When you start university you will have to continue learning and studying English to achieve the level required of you. All of my students have said that studying IELTS opened the door to university but they had to continue studying English once enrolled on their course of choice.

I sincerely hope that by studying for and achieving your IELTS certificate with me you will continue to study ESOL to achieve good grades at university. It can be a little late asking for help when you realise you are not making the grade, language is huge and is learned progressively.